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Hair Transplant - Complete Guide about Hair Transplant

What is a hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a procedure in which a plastic or dermatological surgeon moves hair to a bald area of the head. The surgeon usually moves hair from the back or side of the head to the front or top of the head.

Hair transplants typically occur in a medical office under local anesthesia.

Pattern baldness is responsible for the majority of hair loss. This comes down to genetics. The remaining cases are due to a variety of factors, including:

  • diet
  • stress
  • illness
  • hormonal imbalance
  • medications

Are there different types of hair transplants?

There are two types of transplant procedures: slit grafts and micrografts.

Slit grafts contain 4 to 10 hairs per graft. Micrografts contain 1 to 2 hairs per graft, depending on the amount of coverage needed.

Who might benefit from a hair transplant?

Receiving a hair transplant can improve your appearance and self-confidence. Good candidates for a hair transplant include:

  • men with male pattern baldness
  • women with thinning hair
  • anyone who has lost some hair from a burn or scalp injury

Hair replacement isn’t a good option for:

  • women with a widespread pattern of hair loss throughout the scalp
  • people who don’t have enough “donor” hair sites from which to remove hair for transplant
  • people who form keloid scars (thick, fibrous scars) after injury or surgery
  • people whose hair loss is due to a medication such as chemotherapy

all about hair transplant

What happens during a hair transplant?

After thoroughly cleaning your scalp, a surgeon uses a small needle to numb an area of your head with local anesthesia.

Two main techniques are used to obtain follicles for transplantation: FUT and FUE.

In follicular unit transplantation (FUT):

  1. The surgeon will use a scalpel to cut out a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head. The incision is typically several inches long.
  2. This is then closed with stitches.
  3. The surgeon next separates the removed portion of the scalp into small sections using a magnifying lens and sharp surgical knife. When implanted, these sections will help achieve natural-looking hair growth.

In follicular unit extraction (FUE) the hair follicles are cut out directly from the back of the head through hundreds to thousands of tiny punch incisions.

  1. The surgeon makes tiny holes with a blade or needle in the area of your scalp that’s receiving the hair transplant. They gently place hairs in these holes.
  2. During one treatment session, a surgeon may transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs.
  3. After, the graft, gauze, or bandages will cover your scalp for a few days.

A hair transplant session can take four hours or more. Your stitches will be removed about 10 days after surgery.

You may require up to three or four sessions to achieve the full head of hair you desire. Sessions occur several months apart to allow each transplant to fully heal.

What happens after a hair transplant?

Your scalp may be sore, and you may need to take medications following hair transplant surgery, such as:

  • pain medication
  • antibiotics to reduce your risk of infection
  • anti-inflammatory medications to keep swelling down

Most people can return to work several days after surgery.

It’s normal for the transplanted hair to fall out two to three weeks after the procedure. This makes way for new hair growth. Most people will see some amount of new hair growth 8 to 12 months after surgery.

Many doctors prescribe minoxidil (Rogaine) or the hair growth medication finasteride (Propecia) to improve hair regrowth. These medications also help slow or stop future hair loss.

What are the complications associated with a hair transplant?

Side effects from a hair transplant are usually minor and clear up within a few weeks.

They can include:

  • bleeding
  • infection
  • swelling of the scalp
  • bruising around the eyes
  • a crust that forms on the areas of the scalp where hair was removed or implanted
  • numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp
  • itching
  • inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, which is known as folliculitis
  • shock loss, or sudden but typically temporary loss of the transplanted hair
  • unnatural-looking tufts of hair

What is the long-term outlook?

Typically, people who’ve had a hair transplant will continue to grow hair in the transplanted areas of the scalp.

The new hair may appear more or less dense depending on:

  • scalp laxity, or how loose your scalp skin is
  • the density of follicles in the transplanted zone
  • hair caliber or quality
  • hair curl

If you don’t take medication (such as minoxidil or finasteride) or undergo a low level of laser therapy, you may continue to experience hair loss in nontreated areas of your scalp.

It’s important to discuss the expected outcome with your surgeon and develop realistic expectations.

What Should be Done after a Hair Transplant Procedure?

After going under the procedure, the patient is to go home and rest and minimize his act ivies as much as possible until the next day.

  • To avoid swelling, the patient should sleep with his head elevated in 45 degrees and for three nights after the hair transplant procedure.
  • Do not eat any ice cream or aspirin- stay away from alcoholic drinks from 3 to 5 days after the procedure.
  • Apply snow to your forehead every 2 hours and for 15 minutes to avoid swelling.

What should be done in case of Feeling Pain after the Hair Transplant Procedure?

You don’t need to suffer; many people need prescribed pain killers after the procedure in the first two nights. These medications soothe and control your pain.

A prescription is given to you with medications that you take under the doctor’s directions.

Bloating or Swelling after Hair Transplant Procedures

Swelling or bloating may occur after the first hair transplant session it is usually the forehead.

Swollenness usually happens the second to the fourth day after the hair transplant procedure. This is considered a transient phase; no permanent or future problems will occur. Due to gravity swollenness may move down to the eyelids.

Swelling may be avoided by sleeping with elevating the head on 45 degrees using a pillow while sleeping, this should continue from the first to the third night after the procedure.

Infections after Hair Transplant Procedures

Infections are rare. Avoid all kinds of dirt and bacteria during work or performing daily tasks for two weeks after the hair transplant procedure. Do not touch the donor area or the planted follicles, if there was a must the hand should be sterilized n order to minimize the possibility of having the area infected. Patients should report any pain, redness, swelling in the area of the procedure to the doctor immediately.

Work and Exercise after the Hair Transplant Procedure

Avoid hard work and exercise for one week after the procedure.

Avoid weight lifting, or carrying high weights for 10 to 14 days after the procedure.

Avoid saunas steam and sunbaths for at least three weeks. Avoid sexual contact for at least one week.

Some people go back to practice light activities on the second day of the procedure, but most people prefer going back to their workplaces or to carry on their daily routines after two or three days after the procedure, in order to avoid swollenness or blistering that may occur after the procedure. Other people prefer taking a week of rest after the procedure; this applies to all new patients going under the procedure for the first time, where everything seems to be new.

The First Hair Wash After the Procedure

After the third day of the procedure, you have to wash your hair gently during bath time, try not to pour water or add pressure to the area where the follicles are planted. In the third to the fifth day after the procedure, you can use a glass or a small jar to wash the location of the transplanted roots.

After the second and third day of the procedure, you can touch the roots gently with the tips of your fingers during bathing. Avoid plucking the transplanted roots … you will be provided with a link to learn how to wash your head after the procedure.
When combing your hair you have to do it carefully and gently to avoid moving the planted roots.
Try to avoid using hair dryers in the first two weeks especially those with hot air.
You can dye your hair, cut it or curl it once after the flakes around the planted roots have fallen off.


Peels will start falling off in 7 to 10 days after the procedure, this may take longer. You can use Bepantol to soften the peels.

hair transplant


How To Sleep After Hair Transplant

The way you sleep after hair transplant may influence the final result of the overall procedure. It is essential that you keep your head at a 45° angle for the first 5-7 nights. Opt for the neck-pillow as sleeping flat may cause swelling and damage the newly-transplanted hair. Further on, you can choose a more comfortable sleeping position.

How To Prevent Swelling After Hair Transplant

Prevention of swelling after hair transplant includes several methods. Keeping your head elevated while sleeping and relaxing is the number one factor that helps to minimize swelling. Your surgeon may advise effective medicines and suggest putting ice on the swollen areas.

Medicines To Be Taken After Hair Transplant

Medicines to be taken after the hair transplant may vary. Still, we can define commonly prescribed drugs. The list includes antibiotics in the form of pills or cream, painkillers to use in the first days after the surgery, and medications for hair follicles maintenance and hair growth: Minoxidil or Finasteride.

How Many Days Does Swelling Last After Hair Transplant

Swelling after hair transplant depends on many factors. It is generally observed 2 or 3 days after the procedure and is considered to be a normal post-surgery occurrence. The use of medications and cold compresses as well as following the recommended sleeping techniques can help to reduce the discomfort and the swelling itself.

What To Eat After Hair Transplant

After the hair transplant, you need to keep a healthy diet that includes vegetables, natural oils, and nuts. Make sure you get enough vitamin B, magnesium, and calcium. Your diet should not lack nutritional value. Avoid fast food and alcohol. Mind that smoking influences hair growth negatively.

How To Cover Head After Hair Transplant

After the surgery, you will have bondage on your head. It is not recommended to cover the newly-transplanted hair or to use any kind of headwear for several days to avoid the risk of follicle damage and infection. You can start covering your head 7 days after the surgery in case your doctor does not say otherwise.

How To Reduce Swelling After Hair Transplant

To reduce swelling after the hair transplant, you should ensure the right sleeping position: lie on your back, arrange multiple pillows so that your head would be at a 45-degree angle, and use the neck-pillow so that your head does not press against any surface. Additionally, you can take medications against edema and use cold compress or ice-pack.

Is Smoking After Hair Transplant Safe?

Smoking is not quite safe after hair transplant. It may seriously affect blood circulation which can cause insufficient hair nutrition. As the post-surgery period is very important, you should eliminate any negative influence on the organism to shorten the recovery period and to achieve better results.

Is Sauna After Hair Transplant Safe

Sauna after hair transplant surgery is not safe and prohibited by specialists. The newly-transplanted hair follicles remain fragile within several days after the operation. High temperature and sweat may cause damage to the new hairs and lead to bacterial infections. That is why it is recommended to keep away from the sauna within at least three weeks after the procedure.

When Can I Sleep Normally After Hair Transplant

You can sleep normally after about two weeks from the day of surgery. The recovery period depends on individual peculiarities and general health conditions of patients. However, you should take special care throughout the most fragile period. As soon as the swelling has gone and you no longer feel the discomfort or pain all around the transplantation area, you can start sleeping in any desired position.

Is Drinking Coffee After Hair Transplant Safe

Drinking coffee after the hair transplant is not safe. It can raise blood pressure and thus cause bleeding which sufficiently slows down the recovery. Although in small amounts coffee is not likely to do any harm, excessive caffeine consumption may lead to negative results. Strive to eat and drink healthy throughout the recovery period.

When To Start Workout After Hair Transplant

You can start workouts after 2 weeks from the hair transplantation. Any actions and procedures that may cause sweating should be eliminated or fully avoided. Sweat may irritate the sensitive operated area and cause bleeding and infections. You may proceed with your regular exercises as soon as you see that the recovery is almost complete.

What Are Hair Transplant Aftercare Products

Hair transplant aftercare products may include antibiotics that are prescribed to eliminate the risk of post-surgical bacterial infections, and painkillers to soothe the pain in the first days after the operation. You can use your regular shampoo and medical products like Minoxidil or Finasteride for hair nutrition and growth in case your doctor recommends them.

How Much Time Does Recovery After FUE Hair Transplant Take

The recovery after FUE hair transplantation lasts about 1-2 weeks according to various aspects that influence it. In case you follow your doctor’s recommendations, carry out the required procedures, take prescribed medicines, and sleep “correctly”, the recovery time may be significantly reduced. On average, patients turn back to the office a week after the operation.

Can I Drink Alcohol After Hair Transplant

You cannot drink alcohol after the hair transplant. Moreover, it is generally recommended to stop consuming it a few days before the scheduled surgery. Alcohol causes blood thinning that may lead to post-operational bleeding. It makes sense to keep away from alcohol starting from a week before the operation and throughout the recovery period. For best results opt for healthy food and drinks.

How Long Does Scalp Pain Last After Hair Transplant

Scalp pain normally lasts for about a couple of days. Then, you may still feel the discomfort that will cease within two more days. While you will still observe some post-surgical marks over the transplantation area, you are most likely to feel no more pain after about four days in total. Otherwise, you need to contact your doctor to exclude the risk of infection.

How Much Time Does The Recovery Of The Hair Transplant Donor Area Take

The recovery of the hair transplant donor area takes approximately 2 weeks. After the surgery, you will have bondage over the donor area. When it is removed, small dots will be observed on the shaved skin. The healing process will not take too long: as the hair grows, all post-operational marks will disappear and the esthetics will be regained.

When Can I Sleep On My Back After Hair Transplant

After hair transplantation, you can start sleeping on your back not less than one week after the surgery. However, the riskiest period lasts for about two weeks. During this time you should avoid any pressure on the head. That is why we would recommend you to be patient and to avoid sleeping on your back within two weeks after the operation.


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